
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Gorgeous Clothesline

Look at this AMAZING quilt!!!!

Can you even imagine?!  Its so stunning and I love the precious details.

My quilting group meets once a week.... and I have decided that I am not worthy of quilting yet.  Kids clothes I can make.  Monogramming I can do.  Applique I've perfected.  Quilting I am NOT good at.  So this is just stunning to me!

Well... what I can't do on a quilt, I CAN do on a wall!! My precious youngest daughter's room is a shabby chic haven without the chippy white furniture (so does that totally make it un-shabby chic??). I decided to hang up some of my favorite smocked outfits on a clothesline above her crib.

I used upholstery trim from Hobby Lobby and tied it off with some curtain tie back finials. I just hung up the clothes with clothespins. Right now, she fits into all of the clothes that are up, so when I want her to wear one, I just pull it down for the day and hope no one drops in! Haha!! I hang it up when I'm done and all is well with the world.   Please excuse the iPhone pic!!  The princes is sleeping.

I pinned...  here's what!


My son, Big A, is REALLY into superheros right now.

He can recite ALL of the words to all of the I Can Read superhero books, he LOVES assuming superpower roles and saving us girls from imaginary bad guys, he is a true Superhero.

So for Father's Day, I figured a perfect gift for our Superhero Daddy, who works hard tirelessly for our family, provides for us to live in this beautiful home, coaches soccer practice, takes me on dates, wrestles with Big A, rocks Little A to sleep... would be a Superhero Family.

This was my inspiration picture...

And this is my reality...

Meet: SuperDaddy, SuperMom, Wonder Cheetah, Batman and SuperLittleA!

I used a piece of scrap wood as their platform, spraypainted it red and then hot glued the painted superhero's to it.  All of the materials can be found at any craft store.  It stands about 3" tall - no more.  The kids painted these themselves, all except for LittleA... she's just TOO little.  :)

SuperDaddy was very surprised and now this little family sits on my windowsill so I can see them everytime I wash dishes... and I think of the sweet rainy day we spent painting these guys and how much I LOVE this Superhero stage that my Big A is into right now.

I pinned.... here's what!

Playroom Alphabet Wall

A few years ago, I tore out a page from a Pottery Barn Kids catalog and filed it in my old school "house decor" binder (you know, pre-Pinterest, pre-blog, pre-anything-online!)  It was this photo, which is circulating the web:

Whether that was the original alphabet wall or not, it was original to me and I loved it!

I held onto that picture and knew that at some point, I would have a place to make this a reality.

Enter my playroom.

Considering the fact that I have both girls and a boy, I needed a gender neutral playroom.  For three years, I knew what I wanted to do on this wall, but I just could NOT get the OOMPH to actually do it.  Until now. And, I'm proud to say that after seeing a few variations (below), it only took me a few weeks to turn this little inspiration into a reality!

Here is MY version:

Half of my letters are painted, half were purchased as they are.  I am thrilled with the results and glad that I waited until I knew when it was the perfect time to do this, versus just settling on something to fill up the space.  Yes, I did also add the bunting (about 30 feet of it in total!), so that adds something because we have REALLY tall ceilings in this room... but I think the letter wall fills up the focal space well.

Here are the photos I found on pinterest that gave me the much needed kick in the rear to get this project going....

I pinned.... here's what!

Hello dear friends!!!

Okay, so we all LOVE pinterest, right?!  Right!!  Over the last couple of years, I struggled with losing my creative juices and finding energy as my family expanded (3 under 4 at one point!)... and then I found pinterest.  Pinterest has really helped me find the OOMPH that I needed to push through, keep going and exercise my creativity when I most needed it!  And thus begins this blog!

I'm sure you've looked through pinterest, pinned a zillion things onto your boards, then wasted more time browsed plenty of other idea boards and then wondered to yourself....

I Pinned, Now What?

Well - NOW WHAT!!   HERE is the "WHAT" you are referring to!  

Get going, friends.  You have ideas - let them come alive.  You have a vision - make it a reality.  

Don't let your time on pinterest go to waste.  Be productive.  Actually DO something with the inspiration that you find.

Feel free to send me your inspiration photos and your reality photos and I'll post them here, while linking to YOUR blog!  

So ask yourself.... I Pinned, Now What?  

